Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Stuff I Love about Doctor Who

I love Doctor Who.  I went though a traumatic experience and while I was recovering, I met The Doctor and my life changed forever. I was absolutely obsessed.  
The first of the doctors that I met were the doctors of New Who. My first doctor was #10: David Tennant. He was perfect.  Tall, sweet, brilliant. The first episode I fell in love with was The Unicorn and the Wasp where The Doctor worked with Agatha Christie to solve a mystery.  I have a BA in English and I have always loved Christie so my response to seeing this episode for the first time was, "Yes, Please."

I thought there could be no more perfect doctor. It was impossible.  

Then I met MY doctor: The Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith.  He was not only handsome, but he seemed like the doctor I'd want to be friends with.  In the dark world I lived in, the cheery faced goofball was Christmas Tree.  

Then I met the 9th Doctor. He was so tough and surprisingly childlike.  He wanted to be happy, but had a dark past.  I was also pleased to meet the 12th doctor. Grumpy and cantanqorous and whimsical, I was always happy to visit with him.  

The companions gave me hope too. 
Rose: Working Class, uneducated with no prospects, she found both love and a future with the doctor. She even ended up saving her family and bringing her parents together from across dimensions.  She was capable of doing anything. 

Martha: I believe that she is the most underrated of all of the companions. She is a doctor in her own right, independent, and intelligent.  She is very brave. She has to deal with a crazy family and fighting parents.  Then she meets the doctor and he shows her the Universe.  She gets a crush on him (duh...you'd have to be blind not to notice that guy). 
I do wish that they had done more with her character.  She was a "Doctor" after all. I wish he would have taught her to think for herself and be more confident and done more with the Doctor part of her character. 

Donna: You either love her or hate her. Some people I know can't stand her. I just love her.  She is outspoken and intelligent.  She's had a hard life though. She was not unlike me when I started watching Doctor Who. I was the Queen of the Temp Workers and my mother loved to talk down to me.  She couldn't stand me and thought that I had thrown away my life.  I had done no such thing. We were at the end of The Great Recession and work was very scarce. Eventually I did make my way through and found a husband.  Still I feel that Donna is in some way me. 

Amy: Love love love love love Amy.  She was so spunky and fun. I got to meet Karen Gillan years later.  She is my favorite companion and I don't think that anyone will take her place.  This is especially true because she is indirectly responsible for my husband and I getting married. Ethan got her autograph for me which is what made me notice him in the first place and even had her send me a Face book message.  
When Ethan and I had our pictures taken with Amy and the 11th doctor (Karen and Matt) at Dragon Con in 2017, we told Karen how she was involved. She seemed really happy about that. 

Rory: So much like my Ethan.  He is my favorite male companion.  I guess Amy and Rory are my favorite companions. 

River: I love River. When my husband and I married we traded sonic screwdrivers instead of rings.  I got River's Sonic.  Ethan got the 5th doctor's screwdriver.  River was another role model for me during the dark time in my life. I had just been in a very abusive situation and she taught me that I could be tough and stand up for myself and still be likable. "Hello, Sweetie." 

Clara: Honestly, as sweet as she is, Clara is my least favorite companion. She was cute with Matt, but she had no chemistry with Capaldi. I also didn't like how she was always scolding the Doctor.  After The Impossible Girl story arc, it was like they were constantly trying to figure out what to do with her character and they just never decided what to do. 

Bill: Bill was fun.  She was quirky and intelligent. I hated that she had such a tragic end, but it looks like there was hope for happiness in the future. 

Doctor Who is a big part of my life.  I'm a Christian Minister professionally and I've noticed that God is actually hidden in Doctor Who a lot.  There are Christian hymns. There are arguments about whether or not God exists.  There are little places where its not clear if someone far above the doctor did something or not.  

I'm going to go episode by episode in Doctor Who and talk about what I find. I'll be discussing themes, jokes, things I've noticed. When I do find a philosophical or theological item I'll talk about that too.

Let's go...Or Alonsey...Or Geronimo.  

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